
时间:2016-03-28 09:17:12  来源:杰一访学申请  作者:杰一访学
美国缅因大学分子学与生物医学系招聘生物信息学或计算生物学方向访问学者、助理教授,要求申请者在生物信息学或计算生物学方面有相应的研究成果、研究能力突出,能胜任本科及研究生阶段生物信息学相关课程的教学工作。Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics
Department: Molecular & Biomedical Sciences
The Department of Molecular and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Maine is seeking to fill a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in the area of Bioinformatics/Computational Biology. The successful applicant will establish and lead a productive research program in the areas of bioinformatics/computational biology that provides research opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students. Specific research areas of interest for this position include but are not limited to genomics and systems biology including gene expression, evolution, population genetics, and microbiomics. Analysis of other datasets such as lipidomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, etc. are also of interest. The Department of Molecular and Biomedical Sciences has an active research core in the areas of host-pathogen interactions, toxicology, and cell signaling, and an outstanding zebrafish facility that supports broad research areas. Other units on campus also offer areas for collaboration such as wildlife genomics, mouse models, and others. As a founding and active member of The University of Maine's Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, the reach and collaborations available to members of the Department extend to the physical and computational sciences and to institutions across the state of Maine, including the Mt. Desert Island Biological Laboratory, The Jackson Laboratory, and Maine Medical Center Research Institute. The department is actively developing a new Masters degree program in Bioinformatics and includes a phage genomics course in its undergraduate core curriculum. The applicant will teach within the Department of Molecular and Biomedical Sciences with emphasis on the development of new courses in computational biology at the advanced undergraduate and graduate level. The position is a 75% research/25% teaching position with a start date of January 1, 2017 or later.
缅因大学(University of Maine),位于美国缅因州的奥罗诺市,是缅因大学系统的旗舰学校,但一般只称缅因大学,不带“奥罗诺分校”字样。缅因大学是缅因州最大的学校,也是该州唯一的一所被卡耐基高等教育研究机构归类为研究型大学的学校。
缅因大学成立于1865年,系根据美国莫里安联邦赠地法案建立的,初名“缅因农机艺术学院(Maine College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts)”,1868年正式授课,1897年改为现名。1871年前,缅因大学只设有农业、土木工程和机械工程三个专业以及其它的一些选修课。1887年成立了农业与林业科学学部。再往后,学校逐渐发展设立了生命科学与农业学院,工程与科学学院、以及文理学院。1912年,学校开始开设一些成人教育以及延伸教育项目,1930年正式设立教育学院(School),1958年教育学院正式获得“College”的地位。1958年,商学院正式建立,1965年获得“College”地位。缅因大学1872年起即开始全面招收女学生,1881年颁发了第一个硕士学位,1923年即成立了独立的研究生院,1960年颁发了第一个博士学位。
缅因州位处美国最东北端,北接加拿大,西临大西洋,属温带海洋性气候,冬季漫长多雪,夏季温暖宜人。缅因大学坐落于缅因州马什岛(Marsh Island)上,佩诺斯科特河(Penobscot)和静水河(Stillwater)之间。缅因大学也是美国唯一的一所坐落在一个小岛上的联邦赠地大学(Land Grant University)。
