
时间:2016-06-27 07:16:22  来源:杰一访学申请  作者:杰一访学

南加州大学神经影像与信息学研究所招聘脑部成像研究访问学者、助理教授,交流访问时间一年。要求申请者至少有5年以上的生物医学成像相关工作研究经验。另外我们要求申请者有数学背景,计算机科学、生物医学工程等相关学科博士学历,精通C++, Python, Matlab, Java, R等计算机语言。


Assistant Professor

The USC Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute aims to enhance discovery through the application of imaging and other data and information technologies in the study of the brain. The Institute is dedicated to excellence in data acquisition, analysis, stewardship and computational innovation for the purpose of biomedical research.

The institute is comprised of the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging (LONI), the Imaging Genetics Center (IGC) and the Center for Image Acquisition (CIA). The Laboratory of Neuro Imaging (LONI) seeks to improve understanding of the brain in health and disease. The laboratory manages considerable computational infrastructure and is dedicated to the development of scientific approaches for the comprehensive mapping of brain structure and function. The Imaging Genetics Center (IGC) is involved in studying brain imaging, genetics, and the connections between them. The Center for Image Acquisition (CIA) is home to a Siemens Magnetom Prisma, a new 3 Tesla MRI scanner and a Siemens Magnetom 7T MRI scanner, and is focused on the development and application of innovative MR image acquisition in normal and diseased subjects.


In addition to the research goals, INI trains the next generation of scientists through the Masters in Neuroimaging and Informatics program. This one-year advanced program of study will provide students with a deep understanding of the scientific and clinical underpinnings of neuroimaging science and how to leverage it in large-scale to make new and important discoveries in biomedicine.

The USC Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute seeks highly-qualified applicants for the position of Assistant Professor of Research (non-tenure track) and Assistant Professor (tenure track). The successful applicant will have a minimum 5+ years experience in medical imaging algorithm development, particularly in these areas: brain shape analysis, discrete differential geometry, brain image and surface registration, brain structural connectivity analysis. We require a strong mathematical background, particularly in areas of variational calculus, differential geometry, network theory, optimization and statistics, with a PhD in Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, or related disciplines. The applicant must demonstrate extensive programming skills in several languages, such as C++, Python, Matlab, Java, R. The applicant must have substantial experience in implementing automated processing software for brain MRI data. Ideally, this should be demonstrated by both (a) publicly available distributed software packages, authored by the applicant; and (b) sufficient number of publications utilizing the software tools by groups both external and internal to the applicant’s institution. Some application of the software tools to imaging genetics is particularly desirable. The applicant must be internationally recognized for their technical and mathematical sophistication, as demonstrated by first-author publications in premier medical imaging conferences and journals: IPMI, MICCAI, IEEE TMI, etc.


The applicant must have demonstrated teaching and leadership ability, for example via organized workshops, and student mentorship. Further, the applicant must have demonstrated the ability to procure independent research funding.


南加州大学(University of Southern California,缩写USC)是一所中等大小的私立综合性全国大学,成立于1880年,位于美国西部大都会洛杉矶市区,该校是加州最古老的私立研究型大学。作为全球化大都市,洛杉矶吸引了世界各地的人,而位于洛杉矶市的南加大成为了美国大学中,国际学生最多的大学。南加大利用洛杉矶这个有利环境预备建立亚洲与太平洋沿岸的研究与农业研究机构。根据卡内基教育基金会2005年公布的大学分类,南加大被归类为“研究活动非常活跃的研究型大学”(very high research activity)。







南加大在独立后不断成长,除了位于洛杉矶市区南方2英里的主要校区(大学公园分校)之外,学校在市区北方2英里处还设立了健康科学校区;在尔湾(Irvine)的橘郡,设立了商学、药学、社工和教育学院;弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿以及Marina del Rey建立的信息科学研究所;环境研究学院设立在距洛杉矶20英里的卡塔利娜岛;公共政策与规划发展学院则位于卫星校区加州萨克拉门托。





