
时间:2016-06-27 08:21:05  来源:杰一访学申请  作者:杰一访学



Assistant Professor


The Department of Anesthesiology, Boston Children’s Hospital is seeking faculty candidates at the assistant professor level for the position of Trans-Tympanic Drug Delivery Research Fellow in the Kohane laboratory, Perioperative and Pain Medicine Research. Interested candidates must have a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering or a related field. The area of expertise is material design and interface engineering for trans-tympanic drug delivery. Candidates should have a track record of research in polymer synthesis and characterization, surface modification, and translational research in middle ear diseases. Candidates must demonstrate experience in working with animal models for the middle ear, both in vivo disease models and ex vivo characterization of the transport properties of tissues in the ear. Prior funding and publications in the field of trans-tympanic drug delivery are desirable. The candidate will be expected to write grants, plan and execute projects on drug delivery systems and biomaterials related to the ear in animal models, instruct and collaborate on projects related to Trans-Tympanic Drug Delivery.

This position will have an appropriate academic appointment with Harvard Medical School.

Boston Children’s Hospital is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Minorities and women are strongly urged to apply.



哈佛医学院(Harvard Medical School,缩写HMS)共有10个科系、49个hospital-based科系、17加附属医院以及众多医学生物研究中心。设置的学位有MD、MD/PhD、MD/MBA、MD/MPP、MD/MPH5种,其中后4种均是与其他院系联合授予。另设有一个医学学部(Division of Medical Sciences,DMS),其下属的5个PhD专业均是哈佛综合生命科学联盟(HILS)下的专业。


哈佛医学博士(MD)专业分两个项目方向入学:新通道博士项目(The New Pathway MD Program)与健康科学与技术博士项目(The Health Sciences & Technology MD Program)。前者以医学疾病研究为主,后者以生物科学研究为主。


波士顿儿童医院在全美国最佳儿童医院2012-2013年版“美国新闻与世界报道”评比中综合排名第一。在心脏及心脏外科,神经内科和神经外科,肾脏障碍等治疗领域排在第一;在癌症,糖尿病及内分泌科,消化内科和泌尿外科领域排名第二;在新生儿 和骨科等领域排名第三。在该杂志20年来儿童医院评比中波士顿儿童医院一直位列美国全国儿科医院前茅。


波士顿儿童医院是以世界上最大的儿童医学科学研究机构为基础的医院。该院有超过1,100 的科学家,包括九名美国国家科学院成员,11 名国家医药研究所成员和9名霍华德 ? 休斯医学研究所成员。目前该院吸引了创纪录的2.25亿美元的年度经费及更多的联邦拨款用于科研、治疗、康复等。



