
时间:2016-09-04 15:11:18  来源:杰一访学申请  作者:杰一访学


波士顿学院生物学系招收生态学与进化学研究访问学者,助理教授,合同有效期3年以内。要求生物学博士学历,有博士后研究经验优先,学术及科研研究成果丰富,有生物学相关课程教学经验。需要申请者提供的申请材料包括cover letter,CV,教学兴趣总结、推荐信等访问学者申请必备基础材料。



Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty in Ecology & Evolution

Boston College Biology Department

The Biology Department at Boston College invites applications for a full time non tenure-track faculty position in Ecology and Evolution, with a 3-year renewable contract. The appointment will be at the level of Assistant or Associate Professor of the Practice and we welcome applicants with expertise in any area of ecology from micro- to macroscopic. We are especially interested in individuals who are familiar with novel approaches to ecological questions and can invigorate our Ecology and Evolution course for biology majors. A PhD is required (post-doctoral experience preferred) and candidates are expected to have a record of excellence and productivity in research.


Candidates must demonstrate commitment to undergraduate teaching as informed by current practice and scholarship in the field and have an interest in expanding the diversity of our biology graduates. The teaching load is 3/2 and in addition to the foundational course in Ecology and Evolution will include intermediate and advanced level courses within their specialty. The incumbent will have opportunities to engage undergraduates in research through structured research lab courses or independent projects. The successful candidate will also be expected to participate in academic advising and departmental and college service. This appointment will begin on July 1, 2017.


Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching interests and arrange to have three letters from professional referees submitted online via interfolio at: apply.interfolio.com/37054


The teaching statement should indicate how the applicant will leverage their research accomplishments into lecture and laboratory experiences for undergraduates. Review of applications begins October 1, 2016 will continue until the position is filled.



波士顿学院(Boston College,缩写BC)是一所私立研究型耶稣会大学,位于美国马萨诸塞州的栗树山(Chestnut Hill),成立于1863年,素有“耶稣会常春藤”之称。其校名“波士顿学院”反映了学校早期作为一所文理学院和一所大学预备学校的历史。波士顿学院主校区的建筑带有浓厚的历史气息,是典型的北美大学独有的哥特式风格。波士顿学院拥有100多名耶稣会会员居住在校园里,可能是目前世界上最大的耶稣会社区之一,校园内设有一座耶稣会的教堂。



