
时间:2016-09-22 17:11:42  来源:杰一访学申请  作者:杰一访学


哈佛医学院微生物学与免疫生物学系招收病毒学研究方向访问学者,要求博士或医学博士学历,对病毒学研究感兴趣。需要申请者提供cover letter,CV,研究成果与研究兴趣陈述、三封推荐信等访问学者申请材料。哈佛医学院微生物学与免疫生物学系病毒学相关的研究包括新出现的病毒、病毒细胞相互作用、潜伏感染疾病、肿瘤病毒学、结构病毒学、病毒免疫学与病毒发病机制等相关领域。


Assistant Professor in Virology (Tenure-Track)

The Department of Microbiology and Immunobiology at Harvard Medical School (http://mbib.med.harvard.edu) invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor. We seek an outstanding scientist performing research in any area of virology, including emerging viruses, virus-cell interaction, latent infections, tumor virology, structural virology, viral immunology and viral pathogenesis.

This position offers outstanding scholarly and scientific resources in a collegial and collaborative environment. There are exceptionally strong ties to related departments throughout Harvard University, the Harvard affiliated teaching hospitals, and the Boston virology community. The position provides the opportunity to join a vibrant community of virologists at Harvard University interested in molecular and quantitative approaches to basic virology, and the development of therapeutics including antivirals and vaccines.

The successful candidate will become a member of the Harvard Program in Virology (http://www.hms.harvard.edu/dms/virology/) and Biological and Biomedical Sciences (http://www.hms.harvard.edu/dms/bbs/), campus wide programs with strong focuses on graduate education. The position also offers the opportunity to teach exceptional graduate and medical students with strong interests in virology and medical sciences.

Candidates with a Ph.D., M.D., M.D./Ph.D., or an equivalent doctoral degree and a strong interest in virology should submit a cover letter, C.V. (including a full bibliography) and a concise summary of research accomplishments and interests through the Harvard job portal listed below. Applicants should arrange for three letters of recommendation from reviewers who will receive separate instructions from the portal. The review of applications is ongoing and will continue until the position is filled.



哈佛大学(Harvard University)成立于1636年,是北美第一所,也是英语世界第六所高等学府,位于美国东部小城剑桥市,临近波士顿,是美国八所常春藤盟校之一,被誉为是世界高等学府的典范。



哈佛大学医学院(Harvard Medical School,缩写HMS)共有10个科系、49个hospital-based科系、17加附属医院以及众多医学生物研究中心。设置的学位有MD、MD/PhD、MD/MBA、MD/MPP、MD/MPH5种,其中后4种均是与其他院系联合授予。另设有一个医学学部(Division of Medical Sciences,DMS),其下属的5个PhD专业均是哈佛综合生命科学联盟(HILS)下的专业。


哈佛医学博士(MD)专业分两个项目方向入学:新通道博士项目(The New Pathway MD Program)与健康科学与技术博士项目(The Health Sciences & Technology MD Program)。前者以医学疾病研究为主,后者以生物科学研究为主。



生物化学与分子药理学系(Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology)

细胞生物学系(Cell Biology)


全球卫生与社会医学系(Global Health and Social Medicine)

医疗政策系(Health Care Policy)

微生物学和免疫生物学系(Microbiology and Immunobiology)



干细胞与再生生物学系(Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology)

系统生物学系(Systems Biology)




